We are each individual, eternal expressions of God. Our essential nature is divine, and therefore, inherently good. Our purpose is to express our divine potential. Master teachers in various faith traditions such as, Jesus the Christ, Buddha, Krishna, and Quan Yin realized their divine potential and demonstrated their divine nature by the way they lived their lives. The more we awaken to our divine nature, the more fully God expresses in and through our lives.
The "devil" is the mass of thoughts that have been built up in race consciousness through many generations of earthly experiences, and crystallized into what may be termed human personality, or carnal mind, which opposes and rejects God.
Yes, symbolically. Whereas baptism by water represents the cleansing of the consciousness, spiritual baptism signifies the inflow of the Holy Spirit. Baptism is a mental and spiritual process that takes place within the individual as he or she aligns with the spirit of God.
Spiritual communion takes place through prayer and meditation in the silence. The bread or the body of Jesus Christ symbolizes the word of Truth. The wine or blood of Jesus Christ symbolizes the conscious realization of God-life. Unity practices communion by appropriating or partaking of the spiritual energy represented by these elements. In just about every Unity Church there are a few things you will find as part of their Sunday service. Those are: the Statement of Being, reading of The Daily Word, the reciting of the Prosperity Prayer prior to receiving of offerings, and closing the service with The Peace Song and the Prayer for Protection.
Unity's Statement of Being God is all, both invisible and visible, One presence, one mind, one power is all. This one, that is all, is perfect life, perfect love, and perfect substance. I Am an individualized expression of God. I Am ever one with this perfect life, perfect love, and perfect substance. The Prosperity Prayer Divine Love, through me, blesses & multiplies all that I have, all that I give, and all that I receive. The Prayer for Protection The light of God surrounds us The love of God enfolds us The power of God protects us The presence of God watches over us Wherever we are; God is. The Daily Word The Daily Word, published by Unity since 1924, offers insight and inspiration to help people of all faiths live healthy, prosperous and meaningful lives. The Daily Word is available for purchase in our Gift Shop or you can subscribe to it. The Unity spiritual movement began in the late 1800s based on prayer and the power of mind over body.
Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, a Kansas City, Missouri, couple with three young boys, had suffered lifelong physical ailments and constantly sought healing. They heard a lecture by a metaphysician named E.B. Weeks, and Myrtle came away with a startling new idea: “I am a child of God, and therefore I do not inherit sickness.” In two years of prayer and meditation, she healed her body of tuberculosis. Charles also began to investigate spiritual principles and healed a leg that had been damaged in a childhood ice skating accident. To learn more about Unity's history, please visit Unity's website HERE. No, there is no connection, although there is sometimes confusion because of the similarity in the names. Each is a distinct organization with its own set of beliefs and practices.
No. Unity and Christian Science, as well as many other New Thought groups, had their beginnings in the latter part of the nineteenth century. The application of these principles, the methods of teaching, and the organization of the two movements are different.