Hello Fellow Seeker!
My name is Mickey Quinton. I serve as the minister of Unity Church. Like many other people, I came from an Evangelical background as a minister in the Pentecostal tradition. I became discouraged with the evangelical emphasis on sin and hell. I wandered for a period in my life, wanting a spiritual path that offered hope and love. I finally found it in Unity. Unity offers several special things like nowhere else, to wit:
Rev. Mickey
- We reject the unbiblical doctrine of eternal torment. We find this terrible teaching is easily dismissed with a thoughtful examination of the scriptures from a metaphysical perspective.
- We embrace not only the teachings of the Bible, but also that of other faith traditions. We believe Truth is Truth wherever we find it.
- We interpret the Bible not literally, but Metaphysically. We search for the precious hidden meaning beyond the literal.
- We embrace all people; rich and poor, black and white, gay and straight. All are welcome in our loving fellowship.
- We reach out to people experiencing homelessness as partners with the Memphis Angels.
Rev. Mickey