Offer Reiki (hands on) healing to yourself and others. During this weekend workshop, you will receive the first Reiki attunement and have fun learning: ~ standard hand positions ~ self-healing meditation ~ techniques for grounding your energies ~ how to clear chakras ~ the basics of Reiki for animals This is a 2 day class - May 3rd & 4th Saturday, 12pm - 5pm Sunday, 1pm - 4pm Presented by One CommUnity, this weekend workshop will be held at: Unity Church of Practical Christianity 9228 Walnut Grove Rd, Cordova, TN 38018 Cost for weekend workshop: $135 or $98 with preregistration before May 1st: SPACE IS LIMITED, so preregistration is HIGHLY ENCOURAGED and APPRECIATED Share the love and the light - BRING A FRIEND to share in the experience and their tuition is half-off! Workshop is facilitated by Heather Watson, Reiki Master-Teacher, trained in the traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho style of Reiki. By the time you are reading this, I will be half way through my working vacation in Colorado. I am enjoying seeing friends, seeing familiar sights and the resting work. I have a wedding on Saturday and I will then be preaching and presenting a workshop at Unity on the Avenue in Denver on Sunday. I will certainly be missing you, but I know that you will have a wonderful celebration experience with our Music Team in charge. I appreciate Teresa stepping up to make the service happen.
Well, we now have our first Holy Week behind us. I had a marvelous time, and I am already making some new plans for next year. All your input is certainly invited and welcomed. We know that Easter is not the end, but rather another beginning. Taking all the inspiration and experience of Easter, we will now move into May, the month of Understanding. We will have opportunity to look more deeply at all that Spirit has revealed in the resurrection event. Then in June we move into the expansion of Power. Is it not wonderful to be in the flow of Spirit! I am now headed for a nap before my evening class. Blessings from the Rockies, Lawrence |
Regular Weekly & Monthly Activities
Sunday 9:30am Sunday Morning Book Study 10:30am Sunday Service (Sunday School provided for school age children) 2nd Sundays: Birthday Sunday Last Sundays: Potluck Monday 8pm AA Meeting in Isabel House Tuesday 10am Yoga with Pat 7pm Course In Miracles Study Group Wednesday 10am Yoga with Pat 11am Silent Unity Prayer Service 2pm Sophia Book Club 8pm AA Meeting in Isabel House Thursday 10am Yoga with Pat 4pm Crystal Healing Bed Sessions 1st, 3rd, & 5th Thursdays 6:30pm Caring Center 2nd & 4th Thursdays 7pm Course In Love Study Group Friday 8pm AA Meeting in Isabel House Saturday Visit our Calendar of Events Community Sponsored Events
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April 2022