![]() Unity Church of Practical Christianity's Outreach Team and Sri Viswayogi Foundation Invite You to United Prayers For World Peace Join in Multi-Cultural Prayers and Songs as ONE VOICE UNITED FOR WORLD PEACE! Sunday, November 17, 2013 4pm - 6pm Longinotti Auditorium @ St. Francis Hospital 5959 Park Avenue, Memphis, TN 38119 Participating Speakers Include:
Sri SriSriViswayogiViswamjeeMaharaj, Guntur (AP), India Rev. Lawrence Palmer, Unity Church of Practical Christianity KhenpoGawang, Rinpoche, PemaKarpo Meditation Center BhaiAmarjit Singh, Mid South Sikh Temple Sri VenkataSatyanarayanaCharulu, Chief Priest, India Cultural Center & Temple Jacob Flowers, Mid South Peace & Justice Center Rev. Walter B. Tennyson, Rhodes College Chaplain Deacon Henry Littleton, Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church Terry Hash,Pax Christi Memphis For further information contact: Mona Winfrey (901)831-5550 - [email protected] or Anjana Challa (901) 309-1304 - [email protected] ![]() One of our goals is to insure the accuracy of our records and the contact information for our church members and those who regularly attend and participate in our services and activities. Please take a moment to click on this SURVEY LINK and provide us with your current contact information. While you're there, take a moment to consider our Sacred Service Ministries and which one (or ones) might provide the best fit for your interests, skills, and talents as an opportunity to be part of our church's newness and growth. Thank you. 6:30 PM on Wednesdays - October 16th - November 20th
More than half of adult Americans report they have had a spiritual experience that changed their lives. Now, scientists from universities like Harvard, Pennsylvania, and Johns Hopkins are using new technologies to analyze the brains of people who claim they have touched the spiritual—from Christians who speak in tongues to Buddhist monks to people who claim to have had near-death experiences. Science and Spirituality are closer in both language and perception than ever before. In Rev. Lawrence's new 6 week class, we will take a joyful look at this evolving collaboration. The book for this class is Charles Fillmore’s Atom Smashing Power of Mind. We are currently unable to order the book directly from Unity; however, it is available on Amazon.com in paperback format and for Kindle download. The full text of the book is available free of charge at the following website: http://www.newthoughtlibrary.com/fillmoreCharles/AtomSmashingPowerOfMind/Atom-Smashing-Power_009.htm |
Regular Weekly & Monthly Activities
Sunday 9:30am Sunday Morning Book Study 10:30am Sunday Service (Sunday School provided for school age children) 2nd Sundays: Birthday Sunday Last Sundays: Potluck Monday 8pm AA Meeting in Isabel House Tuesday 10am Yoga with Pat 7pm Course In Miracles Study Group Wednesday 10am Yoga with Pat 11am Silent Unity Prayer Service 2pm Sophia Book Club 8pm AA Meeting in Isabel House Thursday 10am Yoga with Pat 4pm Crystal Healing Bed Sessions 1st, 3rd, & 5th Thursdays 6:30pm Caring Center 2nd & 4th Thursdays 7pm Course In Love Study Group Friday 8pm AA Meeting in Isabel House Saturday Visit our Calendar of Events Community Sponsored Events
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April 2022