Two turkeys and a ham are being provided so we are requesting sides and desserts be brought to share. This is one of our biggest potluck fellowships of the year and a very special time for us to share in the Thanksgiving holiday together. Bring a dish! Bring a friend! Let's join together as a Unity Family and celebrate gratitude and Thanksgiving for and with each other! Ladies, if you didn't make it to tonight's gathering, you missed a great time! Everyone had an opinion on everything tonight. We figure we're going to need a "talking stick" next time so that we can hear what everyone has to say. LOL Remember to mark your calendars for Thursday, October 23rd! Same place, same time. We'll put up an announcement closer to the date. Greetings, On September 11 we will observe the World Day of Prayer. This event is shared with other individuals and groups from all over the planet. The experience will begin with an opening ceremony on Wednesday at 7 pm followed by a 24 hour prayer vigil at the church. There will be a closing ceremony at 7 pm on Thursday. You will have opportunity to step outside your comfort zone as I challenge you to sign up for a one hour slot in the unbroken chain of prayer. There will also be opportunity for individuals to serve as Keepers of the High Watch. When Jesus was praying in the Garden he asked his disciples to "sit here while I pray." The Keepers will fill a 4 hour slot to make sure everything is in place to welcome and to support those who are praying. The effectiveness of concentrated prayer has been scientifically proven, and we have the opportunity to be a part of that significant influence for our world. I challenge each of you to consider if this is yours to do. You may have never sat in deliberate, focused prayer for a whole hour. You may have never been in prayer in the middle of the night. You may have never felt - really felt yourself to be an integral part of something so monumental. Well, here is your chance!! For your prayer time there will be a guidebook provided with examples of historical prayers. We will have our canvas Labyrinth in place in the sanctuary for your use. There will be the opportunity to add your thoughts to a community journal to create a record of the experience. There will be the opportunity to create a piece of artwork for others to experience. Do you get the idea that this experience will be something you have never had before? I encourage you to choose a time to participate that is not convenient, not comfortable and not easy. I challenge you to: "Expand the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. For you will spread out to the right and to the left" Does that sound familiar? Let us immerse ourselves in this powerful, transformative experience! The signup sheets will be on the information table on Sunday. Another way you can participate on a larger scale is to tune in to the live-streamed events form Unity Village. The live -streamed events are on: Wednesday, 9/10 at 7 pm, Thursday 9/11 at 11 am and 7 pm. The main site is Blessings, Lawrence Greetings, I have some exciting news. On Thursday, September 4 at 7 PM, we will have the opportunity to spend an evening with Edd Edwards. Edd was born and raised in Clayton, Georgia, and lives there to this day. His grandmother was a hands-on Christian healer, regarding her gift of healing energy as the Holy Spirit working through her. Edd was born with the gift of this same healing energy, which his grandmother recognized and encouraged in him as a child. Edd played with this energy in his hands and body constantly as he was growing up. In 1994 he met the distinguished physicist, Dr. William Levengood who was able to measure and quantify Edd's energy output in his laboratory. For several years Edd worked on laboratory experiments with Dr. Levengood, He learned how to increase his energy output, to turn the energy output off completely and to affect the lab equipment from a great distance. Edd and the scientists designed and carried out countless experiments, with Edd's measurable output of energy continually increasing. As Edd and the scientists worked, they all began to notice that the people who had been in the lab while the experiments were going on had significant improvements in their own physical ailments. At this point, Edd began deliberately interacting with people who were ill or in pain, trying different kinds of pulse patterns and experimenting with patterns of energy waves until the pain or illness was relieved. He found that it made no difference if he was working with someone one-on-one or with many people at once. His healing gift was effective whether he was in the same room as the receiver or miles removed. Edd will share his understanding of this wonderful energy and offer a limited number of personal sessions. Thursday, September 4 at 7 PM! You can check out Edd's website at Blessings, Lawrence For more information on this event, contact Rev. Lawrence Palmer. |
Regular Weekly & Monthly Activities
Sunday 9:30am Sunday Morning Book Study 10:30am Sunday Service (Sunday School provided for school age children) 2nd Sundays: Birthday Sunday Last Sundays: Potluck Monday 8pm AA Meeting in Isabel House Tuesday 10am Yoga with Pat 7pm Course In Miracles Study Group Wednesday 10am Yoga with Pat 11am Silent Unity Prayer Service 2pm Sophia Book Club 8pm AA Meeting in Isabel House Thursday 10am Yoga with Pat 4pm Crystal Healing Bed Sessions 1st, 3rd, & 5th Thursdays 6:30pm Caring Center 2nd & 4th Thursdays 7pm Course In Love Study Group Friday 8pm AA Meeting in Isabel House Saturday Visit our Calendar of Events Community Sponsored Events
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April 2022