World Day of Prayer Affirmation: Focused on the light, I look with kindness upon fears and worries, for they urge me to harness my great power of faith. Once again this year we invite you to join us for Unity's annual World Day of Prayer, a 24 hour period of silent prayer and meditation beginning the evening of the second Wednesday of September. Our sanctuary space will be open and available throughout the 24 hour period for those who wish to come here to participate in this observance, including having the canvas labyrinth down for walking meditation. We do request everyone bring a mask to wear in the event others are here while you are and maintaining the recommended 6' social distancing space between is not possible (such as when walking the canvas labyrinth). UCPC's Schedule of Events Wednesday, September 9th 6:00pm Sanctuary open and available for silent prayer and meditation. 6:45pm Opening Prayer led by Rev. Mickey Quinton 7:00pm Live Stream of opening service from Unity Village 8:00pm Continuation of silent prayer and meditation Thursday, September 10th 6:00pm Closing Prayer and conclusion of 24 hour observance - Rev. Mickey Quinton Unity Village's Schedule of Events can be accessed HERE. World Day of Prayer 2020 Reflection Questions (provided by Unity Village) During this time of affirmation and prayer, we invite you to take time for self-reflection. Our theme “From Fear to Faith” gives us the opportunity to see our experiences through a spiritual lens. In this way, we re-envision ourselves and our lives. Reflection Question 1 “The power to see in Spirit is peculiar to faith … It is that which perceives the reality or substance of Spirit.” Charles Fillmore, Christian Healing (Unity Books, 1909) How do you look beyond troubling circumstances that provoke fear, looking instead through the spiritual lens of faith? Can the feeling of fear truly be misplaced faith, prompting you to change your focus to faith? Reflection Question 2 “Now this faith that we are all cultivating … is built up through continuous affirmations of its loyalty to the divine idea, the higher self. You must have faith in your spiritual capacity.” Charles Fillmore, Jesus Christ Heals (Unity Books, 1939) How does knowledge of and faith in your oneness with God help you move from fear to faith? What capacity does this knowledge give to you? How do you hold your mind faithful? Reflection Question 3 “Charge your mind with living words of faith. Declare your faith in the light of Spirit within you. Keep your spiritual eye of faith single to the fundamental truth that Spirit is the light of your life.” Myrtle Fillmore, Unity Archives What can you do today to live expectantly, to faithfully conform your actions to the truth that all things are possible in the light of Spirit? Copies of the quotes and reflection questions, along with spaces for journaling your thoughts, will be included in the prayer booklets available on the table at the back of the sanctuary. WDoP Prayer Request slips that can be filled out and placed in our prayer request box located at the front of the sanctuary. If you do not plan to come in person and have requests you would like to have placed in the box during this 24 hour observance, please complete the form below and your confidential requests will be printed and placed in the prayer box on your behalf. As with last year, we will post a Group Consciousness Prayer List by each door in the sanctuary for any requests you would like to be made known for others to hold in mind during their prayer and meditation. This year we do ask that everyone bring their own pen or pencil to write with. For additional resources, including a video of this year's Guiding Prayer, provided by Unity Village CLICK HERE. *NOTE: All prayer requests can be submitted anonymously, simply leave the name and email boxes blank.
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