Sometimes in our sojourn on this earth, we are fortunate enough to meet someone who is so filled with love for his fellow man that it awes us. Sky St. John was one of these people. Sky never just took a job. Every venture in his life was a mission. As an entertainer for many years, he brought happiness to others through music. While a nurse in the last existing leper colony in the United States, he sought to bring help and solace. When he chose to become a Unity minister, he used both his musical talents and his passion for teaching to bring people closer to an awareness of their oneness with God and each other. He is beloved by many, including those here at Unity Church of Practical Christianity. His passing may seem unfair, cutting short the friendship and the joy we could have shared with him. For those of us who have been touched by his wonderful light, just imagine your life if you did not have those special memories when your light intermingled with his. In Unity, we know that regardless of outer circumstances, the decision to leave was Sky’s spiritual decision. Just as his life touched so many, his decision to leave may bring some of us to moments of reflection about our own relationship with others and the world in which we live. Even in death, he has given us a wonderful gift! We love you, Sky. Comments are closed.
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Sunday 9:30am Sunday Morning Book Study 10:30am Sunday Service (Sunday School provided for school age children) 2nd Sundays: Birthday Sunday Last Sundays: Potluck Monday 8pm AA Meeting in Isabel House Tuesday 10am Yoga with Pat 7pm Course In Miracles Study Group Wednesday 10am Yoga with Pat 11am Silent Unity Prayer Service 2pm Sophia Book Club 8pm AA Meeting in Isabel House Thursday 10am Yoga with Pat 4pm Crystal Healing Bed Sessions 1st, 3rd, & 5th Thursdays 6:30pm Caring Center 2nd & 4th Thursdays 7pm Course In Love Study Group Friday 8pm AA Meeting in Isabel House Saturday Visit our Calendar of Events Community Sponsored Events
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April 2022