We invite you to attend “Celebrating Our Soul”: A Conference by People of African Descent. This conference will be held at Unity Village, Kansas City, MO, August 11-14, 2022. We will retrieve the richness together and remind each other of the sacred victories that have brought us to this moment in time. For this leg of our evolution, we become poised for our divine future. This conference will feature the wisdom of some of the greatest spiritual teachers, workshops to inspire and transform you, music to open the heart, and laughter and compassionate service to affirm our spiritual humanity. It will truly be a gathering for the ages, and you can help make a difference with your financial support and participation. Organizations such as Unity Worldwide Headquarters, Centers for Spiritual Living, Hillside, Agape, the Unity Urban Ministries, the Universal Foundation for Better Living and UNESCO are coming together for this spectacular event! Early Bird Registration Rate Through March 15, 2022:
Adult: $345.00 Student (13-18): $110.00 Child (7-12): 75.00 ADULT REGISTRATION SITE STUDENT & CHILD REGISTRATION SITE Comments are closed.
Regular Weekly & Monthly Activities
Sunday 9:30am Sunday Morning Book Study 10:30am Sunday Service (Sunday School provided for school age children) 2nd Sundays: Birthday Sunday Last Sundays: Potluck Monday 8pm AA Meeting in Isabel House Tuesday 10am Yoga with Pat 7pm Course In Miracles Study Group Wednesday 10am Yoga with Pat 11am Silent Unity Prayer Service 2pm Sophia Book Club 8pm AA Meeting in Isabel House Thursday 10am Yoga with Pat 4pm Crystal Healing Bed Sessions 1st, 3rd, & 5th Thursdays 6:30pm Caring Center 2nd & 4th Thursdays 7pm Course In Love Study Group Friday 8pm AA Meeting in Isabel House Saturday Visit our Calendar of Events Community Sponsored Events
Click the image above for more information about The Caring Center.
April 2022